Information and sales advices for The Original McKenzie Selection

The range of The Original McKenzie back rolls and Robin McKenzie’s Self-Treatment literature has for many years helped patients in their rehabilitation, and also for prevention of back and neck problems.

Why do the McKenzie supports have various designs and sizes to suit individual needs?

The different supports in the Original McKenzie range of Back Rolls are developed by the McKenzie Institute in New Zealand and designed for different body types and chairs. However, there is no a single back roll that fits perfectly for all patients and in all types of chairs. But there is always a McKenzie support in our selection that fits each patient’s individual needs to provide the most effective rehabilitation. This is independent of whether patient is short or tall, or in which type of chair, or sofa, where the backrest will be used.

Common to all supports is that they always provide an improved posture in the best way when you choose the right type of support for posture correction. Read our Ergonline assortment brochure where you will receive information that shows which type of support you should choose for each patient depending on body height and which type of chair they will use the support in.

Sales advices

How to provide the patient with accurate information which McKenzie back support to choose.

For many who work in rehab, it might be difficult to act sales-oriented and ask the patient to buy an aid during their visit at the clinic. Keep in mind that if you recommend aid, you are not offering the patients something unnecessary that they have no use for. What is offered is a more effective rehabilitation and better health in the long run and not just the Back Roll itself, as they will sit with a correct posture which is essential in their rehab. For that reason, we here provide some useful reasons and arguments for the back supports and also two advices for Self-Treatment books that are worth mentioning to your patients.


Check the patient’s height and ask what type of chair they use

  1. Once that is done, you determine the type of support you recommend. A tall and large person needs a bigger back roll than a short person.

Read the Ergonline-brochure with Recommended user height and type of chair they should be used in.

  1. Explain that it is an offer you are making to the patient, meaning-it’s not mandatory.

“I recommend you to use this type of support considering your height and the type of chair you will use it in”

Explain then to the patient “You decide yourself, but if you are sit correct, you will achieve much faster results in your rehabilitation while preventing relapse, by sitting with correct posture”

” You will also save time and money for future visits to clinics once you get used to sit with correct posture”

” You save your money with improved posture with the lumbar support on your current chair, compared to what it costs to buy a new ergonomic chair. An ergonomic chair usually costs several hundred Pounds”


Arguments for the Self-Treatment Books by Robin McKenzie

McKenzie’s self-treatment books not only show effective exercises. The books also provide an understanding of how the body works and the underlying reasons why one has problems. If you understand that, it is much easier to accept the need to do the exercises described in the book. “If you have your own copy, you can always read the information again and repeat if you have problems again in the future.”

When you who work in rehabilitation follow these simple recommendations, about how you can advise patients, it becomes much easier to explain the benefit of having your own lumbar support and/or self-treatment book. In addition, patients understand why they should use the aids when they also know the benefits of why they should perform their own treatment.


We hope these tips and recommendations will be useful in your treatment of new and old patients at your clinic. And keep in mind that there will probably never be a shortage of new patients when the old ones knows that you can offer effective treatment and rehabilitation that works for the lower back in the long run.



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